Windscreen Repairs
We have a dedicated windscreen repair vehicle that is fully equipped to deal with chipped windscreens. Our window repairs restore the windscreens structural integrity and can be completed at a place of your choosing. All we require is access to an electrical supply and a sufficient area to park alongside the damaged windscreen.
If the windscreen isn’t repairable our glass technician will be able to provide advice and guidance.
If dealt with early enough most windscreen chips and damage can be repaired saving you time and money.
With the use of our specialist equipment our glass technician can restore 100% of the structural integrity of your windscreen and reduce the appearance of the damage by 80% to 85%.
The most common types of damage to windscreens are starbreaks, Bulls eyes and cracks, all of which we repair. To do this we use the latest technology available from Esprit.
Our process starts with cleaning out the impact crater to remove dirt and loose glass.
A bridge is then setup to allow pressure and a vacuum affect for application of a resin to fill the damaged area.
Heat is then applied to ensure the resin reaches all ends of the damaged area.
A specialist lamp is used to cure the pitfill resin completing the repair, leaving the screen with 100% of its structural integrity.
Our windscreen repair service is completely mobile and we can arrange an appointment at a time and place of your choosing.
Please Note: We do not replace glass/windows. If replacement glass is needed our glass technician will be able to advise.